Lio Solaine

A tad on the sensitive side, Lio struggles to find a place that she feels she truly belongs. Kind and caring to those she gets close to, but more distant toward those she doesn't.

Name: Lio Solaine
Race: Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te
Age: 30
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Height: Roughly 5'2" (62.0 inches)
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Taken by Artyom Shara ♥
At a glance, she may seem like any other city-raised miqo'te. Maybe a little prettier than average with her fair skin, long blonde hair and sky blue eyes. Often seen wearing makeup when outside, Lio does her best to look as nice as possible, and has very little confidence in her natural appearance. Those that look closely may notice something a little off about this otherwise ordinary miqo'te.In an effort to keep up appearances, Lio has formed a polite mask of sorts to hide her feelings when upset. She's not comfortable showing weakness in front of others.She's sincere and sweet once you get close enough, but very few people care to take the time to get to know her.

The most reliable way to contact me is through discord. Shoot me a message at: Sarakitteh#9138I also frequent, feel free to DM me on the site if you're responding to a post I made and I'll usually get back to you within a few hours if not immediately ♥In-game, you can shoot a tell to Lio Solaine on the Mateus server!

This information is purely to give more perspective to how Lio might act around people she opens up to, please do not assume to know this ICly upon meeting her ♥

Here are some important things to know about getting closely involved with Lio:
Mental Health Issues: Lio suffers from depression and separation anxiety. She's not had the best life, and this may result in some heavier stuff in RP.
Spoiler Territory: If you have not completed Shadowbringers and do not know the lore, you should reconsider getting too close to Lio. She will hide her true nature from most, but only so much can feasibly be hidden.
Important Tidbits: Her ex-husband is (or at least was, who knows what he's up to now) a resurrected Amaurotian who worshipped Zodiark for saving the original world and hated Hydaelyn for beating him. Lio spent nearly a full year with this man, genuinely loved him and thought she would spend her life with him. But, as a mortal, her lifespan would be fleeting compared to eternity, and so there was a plot in which he helped her original (Amaurotian) self awaken. She's mainly the same person, oddly enough, so any ancients with clear memory of the Akademia may recognize her as Leucothea, or as that awkward stalker girl with a crush on Zeromus.

Still interested?
Lio is still a little unstable in some aspects, but since a few years passed, she is more calm now compared to the initial breakup. She spent some time dating an Elezen by the name of Bastien Monet, but things ultimately ended poorly between them, leaving her alone once more until a quirky Viera Gleaner suddenly entered her life.
Curious about some more positive details pertaining to Lio? Check out her RPC page:

If you're still interested after getting all the important stuff out of the way, here are some hooks to spark an interaction:

  • Aether-sensitive or magically inclined individuals may notice she has far too much aether for an ordinary person. It leaks out when she gets emotional!

  • Technically an adventurer, though she'll only take minor jobs despite being a skilled healer.

  • Grew up an orphan in Gridania's Oak Atrium. A fellow resident around her age may recognize her as the girl who got bullied for having a hair color unusual for Keepers.

  • A caretaker of the orphanage may recognize her depending on how long they've worked there. Within the past year, she and her ex went to ask about the girl they took in. 15+ years ago, they may have been around for Lio's childhood.

  • Spend a lot of time in Ishgard? Or maybe your character is Ishgardian? Lio spent a lot of time there in the past several years, first learning Astromancy at the guild, and then working for a noble by the name of Valeaux Rillemont. With the construction of the residential district, Empyreum, Lio has recently moved her personal apartment there as well.

  • Roughly 8 months (Jan - Sep 2021) were spent living in the Lavender Beds with her husband at the time. She went to the markets fairly often, so any locals may recognize her.

  • She co-owned and operated a resort called the 'Feyrbrand Oasis' while married to Zeromus. Was your character a customer there?

  • Ever been to Ace's Casino? Koi Pond? Puku Pizza? Maybe even the Voodoo-run Hooters or Voodoo Nightclub? Shroudrose Teahouse? What about Club Pluvial on that one single day Lio worked there? If so, you may recognize her as a waitress/bartender/receptionist!

  • Have some other hook in mind that doesn't relate to what's here? Please, shoot me a message and we can work out the details!

A bit more info on Lio's personality and background beyond a surface level that may take time for others to learn ♥

For starters, the 'mask' she prefers to wear in public: She puts on a polite and friendly face to interact with others even when she's unhappy, but her true self is actually far more introverted. She likes being around people to some degree, which is why she created a friendly facade, but she is actually very shy and will easily get burned out from talking too much with people she isn't very close to, thus resulting in her avoiding social situations for a while and mainly keeping to herself in place of going out. However, when she does take to someone, whether as a close friend, a romantic interest, or even a more familial figure, she is more cheerful than well-mannered when interacting with them, and will enjoy spending time with them frequently.

To expand a bit on some of the RP Hooks, Lio's earliest memories are as an orphan at the Oak Atrium, where she grew up and eventually left upon reaching adulthood. She doesn't recall much about her parents, but she knows her name came from them. She's not sure what exactly happened to them, but seems disinterested in digging into the past to find out.Initially, as a Gridanian resident wanting to be a healer, Lio spent some time with the Conjurer's guild. She learned the basics, but didn't take to it very well, and eventually went to Ishgard to learn Astromancy.Taking small, simple jobs as an adventurer became a reliable way to earn enough money to get by on up until she was hired on as a receptionist for Ser Rillemont's trading company, at which point the generous pay for her time there up until it disbanded was enough for her to save up and live on for a few years. She has also taken work as a waitress, bartender and receptionist at numerous other locations over time.

A few notes about myself as a player!I am on the East Coast of the US. GMT-5 timezone. I'll usually be online on Lio whenever I feel like it or if someone has asked for RP. Generally broad availability, just be willing to plan stuff out.I love Lio, but she is definitely not my only character or even my main character. I am always up for planning RP, so by all means shoot me a message on any platform I use and ask!I spend a lot of time on FFXIV, but I'm also very active on discord and am always open to chatting there. Be aware that I strongly prefer in-game, so I may not be open to RP over discord.One more thing to be aware of: I use Penumbra/Glamourer/Mare and other plugins. If you want to RP, Mare is a STRICT requirement, meaning you need Penumbra & Glamourer as well.

Personal Traits:

LikableLio is generally easy to get along with when spoken to. She tries her best to be receptive and friendly, especially in a professional setting.
PoliteLio tends to be very courteous toward others, not only when working but also socially, if she doesn't know someone very well she endeavors to be respectful.
Usually HonestLio is certainly no saint, but she tries her best to be completely honest with the people she cares about. Proper communication is vital to her.
MoodyLio gets upset and annoyed easily. She could be in a good mood one minute, and a small thing might set her into feeling - and acting - more sour.
Stage FrightLio actually loves to sing and dance, but she hates to be put on the spot, and refuses to do these things in front of people. If she is forced into the spotlight, she will stiffen up, and may even experience a mental break down.
Dense, but sensitiveLio often has trouble fully understanding implications, and may end up reading too much into things meant to be taken at face value, or take things with an underlying tone or meaning at face value, failing to comprehend the point entirely.